There are many ways to get involved in department activities, connect with students who share your interest in Russian and Polish studies, and get together to build on what you're learning in the classroom. 

Russian Conversation

Join a group of fellow students for practice speaking Russian. If you're taking a Russian language class this semester, you can get extra credit for attending the conversation group at least 6 times. During Fall 2023, Russian Conversation will be meeting on Tuesdays from 7:30pm - 8:30pm in Scott Hall 215.

Polish Conversation

Are you taking Polish classes and would like to speak more? Are you interested in Poland and its cultures and want to hear more about it? Or do you just want to come and chat in Polish? Polish Conversation Hour is a great place to practice or refresh your language skills in a relaxed atmosphere. It is open to everyone and every language level. We will chat about various topics, including Polish culture, music, films, and more! During Fall 2023, Polish Conversation will be meeting on Thursdays from 9:00am - 10:00am in Scott Hall 206.


Stay tuned for information on Russian tutoring in Fall 2023.

Student Clubs

Honor Societies