Research Interests:
Homonymy in Slavic Languages, Russian Intonation, Slovene language and linguistics.
Honors/Awards (selected):
- IREX exchange of professors and teachers between USA and USSR, Moscow State University, summer, 1963
- Fulbright Research Fellow in Slavic Linguistics at Institut za lingvistiku, Zagreb University, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, l972‑73
- Rutgers University Research Council Fellow: 1972‑73 and 1989-90
- New Jersey Department of Higher Education ‑ Humanities Grant Program, 1984‑85
- Department of Education, Washington, DC, Research grants in 1989‑90 and again in 1995-96
A Basic Reference Grammar of Slovene. Slavica Publishers, Columbus, OH, 1993
A Learner's Dictionary of Slovene. Slavica Publishers, Bloomington, Indiana, 2002.
A Slovene reader. Rutgers University, 1994.
Articles / book chapters: approximately four dozen
Administrative Experience at Rutgers University
Chair or Director, Department of Russian / Slavic Languages and Literatures: 1971-1972, 1973‑79, 1985‑1993.
Misc. (selected)
Secretary‑Treasurer, Society for Slovene Studies, l983‑86 and again 2002-2008
President, American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages, 1985 - 1987
Board of Directors, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 1986‑89
Member, Board of Directors and past-President of the Santa Fe Opera Guild
2018 Elected and awarded "Volunteer of the Year" of the Santa Fe Opera Guild
Runs and manages a program of monthly screenings of Russian and Czech operas on film.
Prof. Derbyshire currently does research and lectures on Russian and European opera.
Married, September 2013